Somewhere in the hussle I managed to badly sprain my wrist, so I went to the Doctor yesterday. As the X-ray shows, there's no break, and the brace and meds are making it feel better every day. I expect to be back behind the wheel of my Mustang by Sunday. :)

What this injury has taught me is how over-dependent I am on my right arm. Before I went to Kindergarten, I was ambidextrous. That "freak" trait was literally beat out of me. Here's how it happened:
5 year-old Nathan: "Teacher, which hand is my 'right' hand?"
Teacher: "That's easy. Your 'right' hand is the one you 'write' with."
Nathan: "But I write with both hands..."
Teacher: -slaps my left hand hard and grips my right wrist firmly- "No you don't! You write with THIS hand!".
I was too scared to argue, so I never wrote or drew with my left again. I believe I could relearn it though, and being less than 100% on the tail end of a natural disaster disturbs me enough to give it a good shot. I don't want something as simple as a sprained wrist to take me out of action so easily. Wish me luck!